Increase IQ
Listening to this 60 minute downloadable increase IQ music suite will help you to develop the abilities that are commonly defined as intelligence. This would include an increase in logic and spatial awareness functions which are the common requirements in most IQ tests. It will also help in creativity and social interaction.
What is IQ?
A General Intelligence Quotient Score (IQ Score) is a statistically derived number which indicates relative and comparative abilities that can be used to obtain academic skills and knowledge.
Some of these measurements can be reliable predictors of an individual's academic achievements.
Though an IQ test measures only a few of a human's mental abilities, these few abilities are targeted for measurement, because they are well known to positively correlate highly to many other human abilities. How high you score in one of these measured abilities, will strongly indicate how high you would be expected to score on the unmeasured abilities.
Statistically the following statements are true about IQ scores obtained by taking this test:
An IQ of 100 is higher than 50% of all persons taking this test.
An IQ of 110 is higher than 75% of all persons taking this test.
An IQ of 120 is higher than 93% of all persons taking this test.
An IQ of 130 is higher than 98% of all persons taking this test.
How Does it Work ?
It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that performance on IQ tests can be improved by listening to binaural sound in the alpha range.
A specific isochronic frequency in the alpha range has been identified as the most potent contributor to increasing IQ from test to test.
This frequency is now available by direct download or on CD.
The developer of this frequency increased his IQ from 120 to 152and has accepted an invitation to join Mensa
The programme lasts for 60 minutes and has a fantastic success rate.

Speed Learning
Improve Memory
Cosmic Ordering
Increase Energy
Increase IQ
Control Stress
Increase Creativity
Money Magnet
Power Nap