Beating Addiction
Accelerate the effect of using affirmations to help to beat addictions. Improve your ability to beat any addiction including alcohol and tobacco.
Change your behaviour in days NOT months .Fully Guaranteed. Available by immediate download.
How Does it Work ?
Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce a deep and consistent trance or hypnotic state. The vocal guidance will help to create the exact conditioning necessary to accept the affirmations without question.
The use of affirmations has been used successfully for many years. The affirmations builds in the subconscious over a period of time to encourage the user to change their behaviour or improve their performance. Success rates are very high.
This combined technique has been shown to be significantly more effective than using conventional affirmations alone. The programme lasts for 60 minutes and has a fantastic success rate. You do not need headphones or special equipment to get the full benefits of this program. The program can be used in any situation even while you are asleep.

Weight Loss
Beating Addiction
Total Concentration
Fantastic Creativity
Healing Energy
Massive Motivation
Supreme Optimism
Pain Control
Better Relationships
Self Confidence
Self Esteem